The Urban Data Challenge
How can we gain insights into micromobility and cycling flows and the ecosystem in Hamburg to make the city more liveable and sustainable?

What do we offer?

Financing  - 40.000€ to develop and prototype your solution during the implementation phase

Networking - Shortlisted proposals will gain valuable networking opportunities and visibility during the Pitch Day in May ‘23 and through both, the involvement of the Senate Chancellery and the involvement of recognised international experts, including Francesca Bria.

Be a pioneer - Be part of a first-of-its-kind innovation project in Germany. Learn about B2G2S data sharing in a controlled environment and bring forward data sharing regulation for the public interest.

How to apply?

To apply, please follow the four steps below. It won't take more than 2 hours, we promise!

1. visit Dataport's eProcurment Platform and bear with us, we know the site looks a bit overwhelming at first.

2. grab a coffee and download + read the tender files. Note: In the first round, we only check for eligibility. The basic concept draft must be submitted later, in round 2, which begins March 27.

3. fill out the applicant and reference description. If you plan to participate as a bidding consortium and/or wish to use subcontractors, please also complete Annex 7 and/or Annexes 5 and 6.

4. upload the document(s) to the eProcurment Platform by Monday, March 20, 12 PM/ (Noon) and your application is complete. Welcome to the Urban Data Challenge Hamburg!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at!

© THE NEW INSTITUTE/Jewgeni Roppel


Cities are laboratories for democratic and sustainable innovation

They enable experimenting at scale for new collaborative practices and democratic standards for data sharing and furthermore provide normative and regulatory power coupled with infrastructural capacity and proximity to citizens.

This is especially true for the City of Hamburg, with its very ambitious digital policy goals, its net zero agenda and unique transparency laws that gives the citizens comprehensive rights to information as well as its advanced technical infrastructure and capabilities with the Urban Data Platform.

The City’s goal is to increase the share of all journeys made by public transport (including car sharing), cycling trips and foot traffic to 80 % of the modal split by the end of the decade. The share of bicycle traffic shall be increased to 25 to 30%. For a more holistic and future oriented view, the term micromobility includes all vehicle types next to bicycles (such as (electric) cargo bikes and electric scooters), which are allowed to go on bike lanes.

One of the required activities to achieve this goal is to gain deeper insights into the new flows of micromobility on Hamburg’s streets which allows to better improve infrastructure and have a user-focused way of mobility planning which should prioritise vulnerable road users like users of micromobility and of course pedestrians. At the same time, users of such means of transport should respect the physical space where they are allowed to circulate and park, ensuring safety and convenience for other users.

Learn more

Benefits for the Public

  • Address actual needs of the city and citizens
  • Shape better services fasterResource efficiency & cost reduction
  • Lowered entry barriers and new forms of collaboration across public institutions and with various innovation ecosystems from diverse backgrounds

Together, Hamburg and THE NEW INSTITUTE will take the next steps on the path to becoming a model city for micromobility and data sharing for the public interest.

If you want to learn more about The New Hanse, our partnership with the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg:

What & How

Challenge Process & Timeline

The Urban Data Challenge is a call for innovative solutions in which the collaborative use of urban data from public and private sources is promoted. The chosen area of exploration and joint mission is to make using micromobility in the City of Hamburg more attractive, integrated, safe, sustainable and convenient for citizens.

Process & Timing

This challenge will be held as part of a formal award procedure with Dataport as the City of Hamburg's institution to organize the legal framework.

The first phase is an application process in which any interested company or organisation can participate by submitting a request to participate. At this stage, the eligibility of the applicants will be assessed in accordance with the required criteria (see Terms & Conditions).

All applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will then be invited to submit their draft proposal which will be evaluated by the project team of THE NEW INSTITUTE and the City of Hamburg. We encourage every applicant, who is confident to meet the eligibility criteria to start working on the draft concept before this invitation though. On this basis, the best five proposals will be shortlisted and invited to the Pitch Day and will also receive an expense reimbursement of 2.000€.

The selected teams will present their draft proposal at the Pitch Day, which will take place on site in Hamburg mid of May '23. The pitch will be evaluated by a high-level jury consisting of members of THE NEW INSTITUTE, the City of Hamburg and partner companies. The two finalists will then be invited to submit a revised follow-up proposal with a detailed concept to continue with the next round of negotiations with the City of Hamburg.

After completion of all negotiation rounds, the City will invite the two finalists to submit their final proposals of which the winner of the challenge will be selected.

The winning team will then be granted financing of 40.000€ for the following implementation and to further develop their technology to meet the challenge's objectives. 

During the challenge process the shortlisted teams and especially the winning team will benefit from valuable contacts and collaboration with the participating organisations of the City of Hamburg and the data contributing partner companies.

The most important dates for the challenge process are listed in the following table. An even more detailed overview can be found in the tender documents.

Dates Phase
20.02.23 - 20.03.23 Call for applications phase one: submit application & eligibility
08.03.2023 Deadline for submitting questions
15.03.2023 Answers to questions will be made public
20.03.2023 Deadline for submitting your application
27.02.23 - 10.04.23 Call for applications phase two: submit draft proposal
31.03.2023 Deadline for submitting questions
04.04.2023 Answers to questions will be made public
12.04.2023 Deadline for submitting your draft proposal
21.04.2023 Shortlisted solutions will be announced and invited to the Pitch Day
Mid-May Pitch Day in Hamburg
XXX - 19.05.23 Final round for two finalists to submit detailled proposal
19.05.2023 Deadline for submitting your final proposal
22.05.23 - 23.06.23 Negotiation phase and announcement of the winning team
July - October Implementation phase
October Public event presenting the project results in Hamburg

What do we offer?

Financing  - 40.000€ to develop and prototype your solution during the implementation phase

Networking - Shortlisted proposals will gain valuable networking opportunities and visibility during the Pitch Day in May ‘23 and through both, the involvement of the Senate Chancellery and the involvement of recognised international experts, including Francesca Bria.

Be a pioneer - Be part of a first-of-its-kind innovation project in Germany. Learn about B2G2S data sharing in a controlled environment and bring forward data sharing regulation for the public interest.

Who is eligible to apply?

Companies, research institutions and organisations that meet the following criteria (more details are provided in the Terms & Conditions)

  1. You have the necessary human and technical resources as well as sufficient experience to carry out the contract to an appropriate quality.
  2. You have the necessary economic and financial capacities to execute the contract.
  3. Neither your company, any bidding consortium member or subcontractors (which also include freelancers or other team members) are business competitors of a partner company of the Urban Data Challenge
  4. You are able to manage the process and implement the proposed solution either in German or English.


What are the goals of the Challenge?  

The challenge is a competition for ideas seeking innovative solutions that put the collaborative use of mobility data from public and private sources to the test.We are collaborating with renowned industry partners from the field of cycling and micromobility. By providing data for the best concept idea, our partners help drive innovation and explore new models of data sharing between business, government, and society (B2G2S) to support transportation planning in cities.

Who is behind the Challenge?  

The City of Hamburg and The New Institute have agreed to work on a joint innovation project called "The New Hanse" to test and implement new models for digital democracy, data use for the public interest, and in relation to sustainability issues in cities.

What is in it for me?

A prize money of 40.000€ will be awarded to the winner of the Challenge. The top 5 applicants will be granted 2.000€ each as compensation for their effort to join and present at the Pitch Day.

Who can apply?  

Every type of organisation ranging from private to public from Startup to SMEs is welcome to take part in the Challenge. Individual companies can form a consortium. An applicant may only participate in the further procedure if neither the applicant itself, any bidding consortium members or subcontractors (which also include freelancers or other team members) are business competitors of a partner company of the Urban Data Challenge.

Until when can I apply?  

There are two deadlines to be aware of. The first is to submit your application and short abstract which only serves the purpose of testing your eligibility until March, 20th. The second is to submit your more detailed proposal until April, 10th

Please use the provided templates which you can find on the Challenge Website.

Can I apply in English?  

Yes. Application in both, German and English are welcome.

How can I apply?   

Requests to participate can only be submitted via the bidder assistant eProcurement platform. The request for participation must be submitted in text form signed by an authorized person of the bidder by entering his first and last name. The submission of the request to participate will be confirmed by the eAward platform with an e-mail.

How does the submission process look like and which deadlines do I need to consider?

Application to participate: March, 20th

Invitation to submit proposal: March, 27th

Proposal submission deadline: April, 10th

Pitch day: May, 5th

Final concept: May, 19th

Negotiations with Dataport / BVM: May-June

Final quotation: June

If you are convinced that you are meeting all eligibility criteria, we encourage you to already start working on your proposals.

When will the shortlisted proposals be announced?

At the end of week 16 in April you will get feedback on your proposals. The top five 5 proposals, based on the highest combined scores from round one will be invited to the Pitch Day in week 18 and be granted a reimbursement allowance of 2.000€ each.

Who will decide on my application?

The eligibility testing and the selection of the shortlisted five proposals will be conducted by a group of team members coming from FHH and TNI. The evaluation process during the Pitch Day will be conducted by an interdisciplinary jury, which will include a variety of perspectives.

What happens at the Pitch Day?

Each team will have the opportunity to pitch their proposal to the jury and get feedback. Subsequently, the jury will select two finalists to continue negotiations with the FHH, one of which will eventually be chosen as the winner of the challenge.

Who can I contact if I have any further questions?

Questions concerning the Challenge can only be submitted via the question tool of the Urban Data Platform. All questions will be collected, and answers will be published jointly in week 11 for round one and week 14 for round two. For any other questions, please contact